Monday, June 2, 2008

The Anti-Nephi Lehies

Song: Dylan conduct - Book of Mormon Stories
Prayer: Arthur
Scripture: Tyler

Lesson: Anti-Nephi Lehies

A group of Lamanites had been converted to the gospel of Christ by the sons of King Mosiah. Before learning about Christ they were very wicked people who lived a life of violence.

Give children safe "swords" and have them fight one another. Does Heavenly Father want us to hurt each other?

Once they learned about Christ, they understood that they had not been good. They wanted to say sorry for hurting their brothers.

Have the children say sorry to each other.

They prayed to the Lord and said that they would never pick up their weapons of war again. They buried their weapons deep into the earth and vowed to never hurt anyone again.

Have the children bury their "weapons" under a blanket".

They changed their name to the "Anti-Nephi Lehies" to signify that they were no longer part of the violent Lamanites. The Lamanites came to battle with them and many were killed. But, they lived up to their covenant and did not fight back.

Have a parent come and pretend to fight with them, but instruct the children not to fight back.

Heavenly Father blessed the Anti-Nephi Lehies by softening the hearts of the Nephites so that they would give them a land of their own.

Have the children move to another room to show that they were able to live peacefully in their own land.

The Anti-Nephi Lehies were able to live peacefully and lived up to their promise to God by never picking up weapons of war again.

Song: Dylan conduct - The Helping Song
Prayer: Tyler

Activity: Decorate cupcakes