Monday, April 20, 2009


Song: Love is Spoken Here (Children's Songbook #190)
Prayer: Dylan
Scripture: Arthur

Lesson: The Priesthood Blesses Our Family

I used a Lesson 28 from the Nursery Manual to teach about the Priesthood:

Tell the children that the priesthood is God’s power; God gives the priesthood to older boys and men so that they can bless their families and others.

Blessing Babies:
Show the picture on page 118 and invite the children to pretend to hold a baby. Explain that babies can be blessed and given a name by men who have the priesthood.

Blessing the Sick:
Show the illustration on page 119 of a blessing for the sick. Tell the children that a person who has the priesthood can bless those who are sick so that they can feel better. Turn to the picture on page 26. Point to Jesus and explain that in this picture Jesus is blessing someone who is blind.

Show the picture on page 114. Remind the children that we take the sacrament each Sunday. Explain that it is prepared, blessed, and passed by those who have the priesthood.
Activity: Put together the Priesthood FlipBook to reinforce what we use the Priesthood for:

Additional Activity: Play Robot - from LDS Living Magazine
Have Dad be the robot. Little children sit on his shoulders, larger ones control him standing beside him. Two taps on his head tell him to go forward. One tap means to stop. A tug on the right ear means to go to the right, and a tug on the left ear means turn left. Let everyone have a turn “controlling” Dad. Remind the family that Dad holds the priesthood and that gives him the authority to act in God’s name. When he is using the priesthood, he needs to listen to God and follow His commands.

Song: Tyler's Choice
Prayer: Tyler