Thursday, January 15, 2009

Following in Jesus Footsteps

Song: Tell me the Stories of Jesus
Prayer: Arthur

Lesson: Jesus lived on Earth to teach us how to live. We needed someone to show us and teach us the things that are most important in this life. Jesus was that perfect teacher. Even though he lived a long time ago, we still follow in his footsteps by doing the things that he did.

Activity: Footstep Activity

I used an activity I found online (see the link above). I printed off pictures from Christ's life and footsteps. Each picture had a pair of footsteps to go with it. The pictures were then taped to the floor all around our house. The boys took turns "following" in Jesus' footsteps by walking around the room and placing their feet on the footstep. We then talked about each part of Christ's life and whether or not we would do those things in our lives. At the end of the path was a plate of cookies for all of use to enjoy.

Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Prayer: Tyler