Thursday, October 25, 2007

FHE - What is the Temple

Family Home Evening Lesson
What is the Temple

Opening Song: "I Love to See the Temple" (Children's Song Book #95)

Opening Prayer: Dad

Lesson: Mom

What is the Temple

Show temple picture (GAK 502)

Discuss the beauty of the temples, pointing out the spires, windows, and doors. Explain that on an outside wall of each temple are the words The House of the Lord. Members of the Church go to the temple to learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus and their love for us.

Explain that if they keep Heavenly Father’s commandments, they can go to the temple when they are older. Explain that in the temple we make special promises to Heavenly Father to obey his commandments. We can also be married in the temple, and we can be baptized for people who weren’t baptized while they lived on the earth.

Have the children hold up three fingers and repeat three things they can do in the temple when they are older:

“In the temple I can make special promises to Heavenly Father.”

“In the temple I can be married.”

“In the temple I can be baptized for others.”

Activity: Turkey Foam Kit

Closing Song: “When We’re Helping” (Children’s Song Book # 198b)

Closing Prayer: Tyler

This idea adapted from Primary 1 Lesson 26