Monday, September 29, 2008

Prayers of Gratitude

Prayer: Arthur

Lesson: Kerri

I read the story, Pirates, from the Friend Magazine. We talked about how a simple prayer from a little girl helped save all the people on the boat. It is important to Thank Heavenly Father for all of our blessings in our prayers. We then talked about some of the things that we are grateful for in our live.

Activity: I used the activity from this page in the Friend. We listed all of the things that we should thank Heavenly Father for in our prayers.

Prayer: Tyler

Monday, September 15, 2008

Noah's Ark

Tyler has been very interested in the story of Noah's Ark, so I asked him to give the lesson this week.

Song: I have a Family Tree
Prayer: Arthur
Scripture: Kerri
Genesis 7:1 And the Lord said unto aNoah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation

Lesson: Kerri and Tyler

Picture 1: Ark on dry land with animals walking inside

The people on the Earth were very wicked. Every one except for Noah and his family were wicked. God decided to flood the Earth but wanted to preserve the faithful. So, He asked Noah to build an ark for his family the animals on the Earth

Picture 2: Ark floating on water

The rains began and the Earth flooded. The ark held up perfectly through the storm

Picture 3: Animals inside the Ark

Even though there was a terrible storm, the animals were all safe and comfortable inside the Ark.

Picture 4: The skies are clear, a dove retrieves an olive branch

Noah sent out the dove to see if there was any dry land. The olive branch was a sign that there was dry land and they could get off the Ark.

Picture 5: Ark on dry land with animals departing. Rainbow in the sky

Noah and his family and the animals were kept safe through the flood. The rainbow is a sign from God telling us that he will not flood the Earth again.

Song: The Helping Song
Prayer: Dylan

Monday, September 8, 2008

Father's Blessing

It has been a month of illness, vacation, and out-of-town conferences. We are back in full-swing with FHE and will post regularly again.

Song: The Helping Song
Prayer: Dylan

Lesson: Priesthood Blessings

This was a pretty basic lesson to introduce blessings.

1. What are blessings? A special prayer given by a member of the Priesthood to someone who is sick or in need of counsel, comfort or healing.
2. Can Mom give blessings? Can Tyler give blessings? Can Dylan give blessings? No, only Daddy can give blessings in our family because he holds the Melchizedek Priesthood.
3. Have you ever seen a blessing? Baby Blessings
4. Father's Blessings are special blessings that a father can offer to any member of the family at any time.

Tonight Arthur gave Tyler a father's blessing to prepare him for his upcoming school year.

Activity: Water Balloon Fight

As a side note to this lesson, I wanted to mention that the blessing was a great thing to witness. Tyler was very quiet and stayed still the entire time. He felt very special to be able to receive such a blessing. Immediately after the blessing concluded, he jumped off the chair and exclaimed, "I have to go pee!" and ran to the bathroom. When he finished, he came out and said, "Mommy, that was a REALLY long prayer!"